Answered by experts

Cool to know - questions and answers

Cryotherapy (Greek “kryo”: cold) as a branch of thermotherapy originates from physical medicine. Below, you will find the most frequently asked questions on the subject from our decades of cryotherapy experience.

All questions have been answered personally by national and international cryo health experts.


What is the optimum temperature in a cold chamber?

A temperature of -166°F (-110°C) is required for a cold chamber to develop its full effect. In order to achieve demonstrable and long-term positive effects on health and well-being, the skin surface temperature must be lowered quickly to -5°C, as this is the only way to release the maximum anti-inflammatory messenger substances. This can only be achieved at a constant treatment temperature of -148°F (-100°C) to -166°F (-110°C).

Chambers with higher temperatures (e.g. -76°F (-60°C) or -112°F (-80°C)) also freeze after a long treatment period but without the remarkable added value.

Is this cold "bearable"?

Yes, the human body can easily withstand -166°F (-110°C) for a few minutes (two to four minutes in the chamber). Immediately after entering the chamber, the body begins to react naturally to the cold, which has numerous positive effects.

How long does a session in a cold chamber last?

As a rule, a brief medical history of the user is taken beforehand. The optimum length of session for each individual is discussed based on height, weight and age. On average, the time in the chamber is between two and four minutes.

How quickly does cold therapy work at -166°F (-110°C)?

Even after the first session, positive effects on health and well-being can be seen and users feel the natural effect – in the chamber and the stimulation of the metabolism afterwards.

How often can/should the cold chamber be used?

Long-term and proven benefits for health and well-being are achieved with regular cold application. In general, a maximum of three cold treatments per week is recommended. However, a higher number of treatments is possible after prior consultation with a doctor and sometimes makes sense depending on the treatment objective (e.g. for pain therapy, sports regeneration, etc.).

Do you freeze after being in the cold chamber?

No. At -166°F (-110°C), the temperature of the skin is rapidly reduced, but the core temperature of the body remains almost constant. Up to ten minutes after being in the cold chamber, a feeling of coolness may occur, but this is positive. After the session, the human body wants to warm up again immediately, so the metabolism works at full speed for about 1.5 hours. This warming up burns a high number of calories.

Are there side effects - is there a risk?

No medical side effects are known to date. Clarification in advance is recommended. More than 50 positive effects on the body are now known from the use of cold therapy.


Why are ArctiSync cold chambers more energy efficient than all other chambers worldwide?

Power consumption and energy consumption are reduced thanks to the innovative, unique cooling technology (unique and patented on the global market).

A unique chamber design and outstanding quality enable rapid regeneration times (re-cooling) of the chamber temperature to -166°F (-110°C). This technological advantage allows a higher utilization frequency with reduced energy consumption.

ArctiSync advantages:

  • Low energy consumption- Significant operating cost savings, energy-saving solutions
  • Energy-saving solutions with standby options
  • Ecological, environmentally friendly cooling process (cryogenics)
  • Reliable technology from the field of cryogenics
  • Safe, user friendly and without liquid nitrogen (non-hazardous)
  • Simple, plug & play compressor/cooling unit/cryogenic chamber coupling
  • Decades of experience in the field of cryogenics and cryogenics technology, low-maintenance, reliable cryogenics technology
  • High R&D ratio of the company
  • Unique, sophisticated interchangeable design and finish of the chambers (wood look, aluminium look)
  • Cover changes
  • Low-noise, compact and lightweight cryogenic unit for easy installation and demanding environments in hospitals, medical care centers, pharmacies, etc.
  • Rapid replacement unit if required – as a service –plug and play
  • Extra features: music, lighting, software, remote maintenance, remote control, touch display, intuitive operation, programmable start sequences, large multi-insulated windows
  • Rapid cooling times of the chamber with high cooling capacity and optimized efficiency
  • For rapid deployment and high-performance operation for both commercial and private use

All further details on energy/efficiency/ROI can be found in the individual chamber solutions

ArctiSync Premium 110-I

ArctiSync Premium 110-II

ArctiSync Superior 110-I

ArctiSync Superior 110-II

Can the waste heat be utilized with ArctiSync cold chambers?

Yes, the waste heat generated by ArctiSync can be utilized economically in a simple and uncomplicated way:

With a simple heat exchanger (coupled to the heating system), the waste heat can be used to heat buildings or swimming pools, for example. In addition to the low power consumption of the ArctiSync cold chambers, the waste heat is utilized efficiently, which is once again environmentally friendly and saves energy costs.

What is the GWP value?

GWP stands for global warming potential.
The GWP value of a refrigerant defines its relative global warming potential in relation to CO₂ (also known as CO₂ equivalent). The value describes the global warming effect over a certain period of time, usually over 100 years in the case of refrigerants. The higher the GWP value, the more harmful the corresponding substance is to the climate.

A concrete calculation example for your cryogenic chamber:
The CO₂ equivalent of the common refrigerant R23 in the refrigeration chamber sector, viewed over a period of 100 years, is 14,800. This means that one kilogram of R23 contributes 14,800 times as much to the greenhouse effect as one kilogram of CO₂ within the first 100 years after release. The release of one kilogram of R23 therefore corresponds to the release of 32,680 lbs (14,800 kg) of CO₂.

Loans/leases for GWP-compliant chambers are available at better conditions due to GWP compliance.

ArctiSync cold chambers cool WITHOUT environmentally harmful refrigerants and are GWP compliant.


What background (B2B, medical, technical, etc.) does ArctiSync have?

The ArctiSync brand is backed by an Austrian technology company and national and international scientists/technicians.

Years of experience in the field of cryogenics and cryogenic technology and its application in many areas guarantee unique expertise that is sought and utilized by numerous partners, institutions and companies worldwide. ArctiSync is in regular dialogue on a medical-scientific level. Among other things, this is the basis for the ongoing further development of the products.

Is advice on my optimum cold chamber solution free of charge?

Yes, the experienced experts at ArctiSync will advise you personally and free of charge on the ideal solutions for your requirements. Our specialized sales team has decades of experience in the field of cryogenics and cryogenic technology. Our service team will also be happy to visit you together with a scientist and/or technician, who will be happy to explain all innovations from a technical and scientific perspective.

Will my premises be inspected in advance free of charge?

Yes, our experienced experts will be happy to visit you in person and assess the premises and technical conditions on site free of charge. We are also happy to do this together with your electrical/construction partner.

Are ArctiSync cold chambers certified?

Yes, ArctiSync cold chambers fulfil all European safety-relevant directives and certifications and are technically state of the art, among other things:

  • Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
  • Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED)
  • Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC

Individual private certifications (TÜV, UL Underwriters Laboratories, etc.) are available on request.

ArctiSync also fulfils equivalent international guidelines (further information available on request).

The technology is unique worldwide and internationally patented.


Does ArctiSync have technical support?

Yes, all ArctiSync customers (companies and private customers) receive individual personal support and a personal contact person with years of experience in the cryogenic sector.


Does ArctiSync offer support for the marketing/promotion of cold therapy?

Yes, the ArctiSync network includes marketing experts who have been awarded the Austrian State Prize for Advertising and the Austrian Federal Advertising Prize. These experts are happy to advise and support you – from simple marketing tools to complete concepts, homepage booking systems, etc.

These experts also specialize in customer flow analyses, customer acquisition and customer retention.

ArctiSync cryochamber advertising partner

arctisync kryokammer werbepartner

Does ArctiSync have its own development department?

Yes, the unique, globally patented cooling technology was developed in-house by the experts at ArctiSync after years of research and adapted to the needs of the cooling chamber market. The units and chamber customizations are also produced in-house.


History - what is cryogenics?

Cryogenics is the science that deals with the generation and effects of very low temperatures. The word cryogenics is derived from the Greek words “kryos” (cold/frost) and “genik” (to produce). According to this definition, it could be used to describe all temperatures below the freezing point of water (0 C).

However, Prof Kamerlingh Onnes of Leiden University in the Netherlands first used the word in 1894 to describe the art and science of generating much lower temperatures. He used the term in reference to the liquefaction of permanent gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and helium. Oxygen had already been liquefied at -183 °C a few years earlier (1887), and a race was underway to liquefy the other permanent gases at even lower temperatures. The techniques used to produce such low temperatures differed significantly from those used somewhat earlier in the production of artificial ice. Over the years, the term cryogenics has generally been used to refer to temperatures below around -150 C.

ArctiSync cold chambers cool WITHOUT environmentally harmful coolants - how does that work?

Behind the ArctiSync brand are national and international scientists and technicians. This team has developed (and adapted) globally unique cooling technology to the needs of the cold chamber industry, which can generate the required ultra-low temperatures in an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly manner without liquid nitrogen (LN2) and without the environmentally harmful refrigerants R23, R508A or R508B. This MADE IN AUSTRIA technology is patented worldwide.

What are examples of refrigerants that are harmful to the environment and health?

The refrigerant R23 is widely used, unfortunately also in cold chambers. The CO₂ equivalent of R23 over a period of 100 years is 14,800, which means that one kilogram of R23 contributes 14,800 times as much to the greenhouse effect as one kilogram of CO₂ within the first 100 years of its release. The release of one kilogram of R23 therefore corresponds to the release of 32,630 lbs ( 14,800)kg of CO₂.

Similar products to the climate-damaging refrigerant R23 are the refrigerants R508B and R508A. The F-Gas Regulation requires such systems to be serviced at least once a year, which is very cost intensive for the company and therefore makes ongoing operation much more expensive.

Although these refrigerants are recycled with a high energy input, there is always a risk of leakage during transport and recycling, which can have consequences for health and the environment. Our responsibility towards future generations has never been greater. In order to protect our environment, please enquire whether the product contains these harmful gases before purchasing a cold chamber.

Are there air vortices/draughts in the ArctiSync cold chamber?

Are there air vortices/draughts in the ArctiSync cold chamber? No. ArctiSync cold chambers distribute the cold through natural, physical processes of convection of buoyancy and cold radiation, so that there is a natural, gentle exchange of cold with the body surface. (Natural falling of the cold from above gently onto the skin, cold radiation).

There is no unpleasant air turbulence caused by fans in the therapy chamber.

Assembly and installation - what needs to be considered?

ArctiSync cryo chambers have compact, small, quiet and, above all, LIGHTWEIGHT units. This guarantees unrivalled ease of installation and mounting. This avoids time-consuming and cost-intensive tests regarding statics and ceiling loads (e.g. in old buildings).

The compact design also means that structural measures (e.g. removal of door frames for the installation of the cooling unit, etc.) are avoided.

In addition, the quiet units avoid noise pollution from fans – ArctiSync cryo chambers also have innovative sound insulation.

Why are ArctiSync cold chambers more energy efficient than all other chambers worldwide?

Power consumption and energy consumption are reduced thanks to the innovative, unique cooling technology (unique and patented on the global market).

A unique chamber design and outstanding quality enable rapid regeneration times (re-cooling) of the chamber temperature to -166°F (-110°C). This technological advantage allows a higher utilization frequency with reduced energy consumption.

ArctiSync advantages:

  • Low energy consumption- Significant operating cost savings, energy-saving solutions
  • Energy-saving solutions with standby options
  • Ecological, environmentally friendly cooling process (cryogenics)
  • Reliable technology from the field of cryogenics
  • Safe, user friendly and without liquid nitrogen (non-hazardous)
  • Simple, plug & play compressor/cooling unit/cryogenic chamber coupling
  • Decades of experience in the field of cryogenics and cryogenics technology, low-maintenance, reliable cryogenics technology
  • High R&D ratio of the company
  • Unique, sophisticated interchangeable design and finish of the chambers (wood look, aluminium look)
  • Cover changes
  • Low-noise, compact and lightweight cryogenic unit for easy installation and demanding environments in hospitals, medical care centers, pharmacies, etc.
  • Rapid replacement unit if required – as a service –plug and play
  • Extra features: music, lighting, software, remote maintenance, remote control, touch display, intuitive operation, programmable start sequences, large multi-insulated windows
  • Rapid cooling times of the chamber with high cooling capacity and optimized efficiency
  • For rapid deployment and high-performance operation for both commercial and private use


All  further details on ENERGY / EFFICIENCY / ROI can be found in the individual chamber solutions

ArctiSync Premium 110-I

ArctiSync Premium 110-II

ArctiSync Superior 110-I

ArctiSync Superior 110-II


Draw on our expertise and benefit from personalized advice that will inspire you.

In a non-binding initial consultation, experienced cryo technology experts will advise you on the best solutions and support you with your individual requirements and wishes.